Photo of Elsa Cuccaro Argentina

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Plastic artist and escengrafa. Studies: SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, (plastic). SCHOOL OF THEATRE DE LA PLATA (designer). SCHOOL OF CERAMIC DE MAR DEL PLATA. Exhibitions: Very Small participdesde plastic children's competitions, then in group and solo exhibitions of paintings, drawings, ceramics, illustrated poems, murals, set designers and costume. MS RECENT ACTIVITIES: 1991 - BAR LA PLATA (paintings and drawings). 1992 - Genoa,...

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Photo of Elsa Cuccaro Argentina

Plastic artist and escengrafa. Studies: SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS, (plastic). SCHOOL OF THEATRE DE LA PLATA (designer). SCHOOL OF CERAMIC DE MAR DEL PLATA. Exhibitions: Very Small participdesde plastic children's competitions, then in group and solo exhibitions of paintings, drawings, ceramics, illustrated poems, murals, set designers and costume. MS RECENT ACTIVITIES: 1991 - BAR LA PLATA (paintings and drawings). 1992 - Genoa, Italy, (reconstruction of faces) asistiinvitada Congress as a speaker selected by the Secretariat scientist at the University of Genoa. 1992 - LYON-FRANCE, (reconstruction of faces). DEMEDICINE publication in the JOURNAL OF LEGAL UNIVERSITY LYON. 1993 - REPRODUCCINY PLANIFICACIN FAMILY CENTER (mixed paints and technicians). 1994 - Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Center, LA PLATA, (paintings and drawings). 1994 - Illustrated Poems (first and third Award), BERISSO. 1995 - Vigo and MARN - GALICIA - ESPAA (paintings, set designers and portraits). Bilbao Vizcaya Bank and Vigo. 1995 - Hotel Corregidor, LA PLATA, (painting), plastic artist COMMISSION OF THE PROVINCE OF BS. AS. 1995 - AMPABA (paintings), LA PLATA. 1996 - cultural exchange ASSOCIATION OF SAINT HENRY, TOULOUSE - FRANCE. Participates in numerous exhibitions and individual classrooms. Opened its permanent exhibition in the Small GALERA Cingolani CITY LA PLATA. 1997 - Make an intense cultural and artistic activity in Italy for nine months. UNIVERSITY FOR FOREIGNERS Dante Alighieri. 1998 participates in numerous shows and ycrculos LA PLATA BUENOS AIRES. SpTime 1999 National Plastic Arts lounge author of Italian origin (selected). MINOR GALERA Cingolani, LA PLATA, drawings (permanent exhibition). SICILIAN Crculo DE LA PLATA, solo exhibition, paintings, in Book presentation "SOTO HIGH HEAVEN." SICILIAN Crculo DE LA PLATA, "Da Immigrant." ITALIAN SOCIETY OF ENSENADA, (painting). ITALY, CALABRIA shows ARGENTINA, UNIVERSITY FOR FOREIGNERS Dante Alighieri. Cingolani SALNÉS shows ARGENTINA CALABRIA. 2000 - Crculo SICILIAN DE LA PLATA, exhibition of paintings for the "INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DA", held in PLATENSE AGREMIACINMDICA. - SILVER MEDAL OF YOUR CAREER, year 2000 Women Senate of the Province of Buenos Aires. - Displays workshop STAINS, López Merino Municipal Library Complex. 2001 - permanent display at the Rector of the UNLP (paintings and drawings) - SALON Cingolani (permanent exhibition). - POLICE CIRCLE LA PLATA (paintings, drawings and monotypes) Series Tango and ping. - BIVONGESI CENTER LA PLATA (Week of Calabria), paint chips made in Calabria, Italy. - HOTEL SAN MARCO LA PLATA (pooled samples). - COMPANY Odontologist LA PLATA (group show). 2002 - OPTICAL Cingolani (Permanent Exhibition) - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA (Permanent Exhibition) in: General Directorate of titles and notifications. - COURSE OF SCENERY AND EXHIBITION OF PROJECTS IN THE LAST GREEK contemporary layout Teatro Argentino de La Plata Conducted by DAVID MILAN (Escenogrfo Romanian). - MUSEUM AND ARCHIVES Dardo Rocha - SAN MARCO HOTEL (permanent exhibition). 2003 - UNIVERSITY OF LA PLATA. - OPTICAL Cingolani. - Association of Notaries. - GALLERY 250 FLORIDA BS. AS. - CIRCOLO Italy ITALIAN House. - CENTRO CULTURAL MALVINAS. - TEATRO LA NONA Solas SCENOGRAPHY WORK ... and La Plata. 2004 - BANK OF THE PROVINCE OF BS. AS. (Headquarters) La Plata. Solo exhibition of drawings and paintings. - SALON Cingolani. - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA. 2005 - 2006 Cultural Center Malvinas Sample Sample WORKSHOP students STAINS Universidad Nacional de La Plata shows Workshop Activities Evaluaciny permanent restoration works. Workshop runs his plastic "MANCHA * S" from 1991.

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